JICA in Bosnia and Herzegovina
JICA in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is an institution of the Government of Japan, which offer assistance to developing countries through ODA. This is implemented through 90 offices in more than 140 countries worldwide. Primary goal is to help the social and economic improvement of developing countries through transfer of know-how and technologies. This includes development and implementation of JICA training programs, expert dissemination, equipment supply, implementation of technical cooperation projects and creation of development studies.

JICA, through ODA, assist the countries of Western Balkans in the following three fields:

- peace building,
- private sector development,
- environmental issues.


For more information follow this link


For activites of JICA in Bosna and Hezegovina you can see NEWSLETTER which was made by JICA Japan


In the last 18 years of JICA’s assistance to BiH, the focus was kept on urgent projects and rehabilitation of the country, which resulted in Japan Government building 11 elementary schools and four bridges, 85 community health centers received medical equipment, and 200 projects in community were implemented (health care, education, eco tourism, demining, water supply). Also, more than 600 BiH citizens participated in JICA training programs.
Recently, JICA moves its priorities toward promotion of sustainable economic development and environmental protection.

Follow this link to find out more on the implemented and current JICA projects


JICA Balkan Office Contact Point in Sarajevo
Bistrik 9, 71000 Sarajevo
Tel. +387 220 190
Fax. +387 220 192
E-mail: jica.ba@bih.net.ba